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Vintage clásico clásico tweed tweed esparrosponelas de solapa de muesca


Order Now Delivery Estimated Within 20/11 ~ 29/11

Guía de montaje
🔥Free Size Custom
  • 20% de lana / 80% poliéster
  • Espiga
  • Solapa de muesca
  • 2 bolsillo de aleta real
  • 5 botones de pecho individual
  • Hebilla de ajuste elástico de metal posterior
  • Alineado completo
  • Lavado a máquina / lavado a mano
  • Personalización de color o tamaño. Tenga en cuenta en el pedido

Take $ 5 Off (Excluding vest and pants)  Code: WELCOME

  1. 5% Off Over $75 Use  Code: T5
  2. 12% Off Over $170 Use  Code: T12
  3. 18% Off Over $280 Use  Code: T18

There are two shipping methods for you to choose from:

  • Free shipping: Usually takes 7 to 14 days.
  • Expedited shipping: Usually takes 5 to 8 days.

For shipping details, please check the shipping policy. If you need the items for an important occasion, please indicate your desired delivery time.

If you're not satisfied with our products:

  • You can return or exchange the items within 30 days.
  • You can also contact us for a refund.

For details, please check the return & exchange policy.

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews

Cool vest, like it


I like this vest, it is very classic and retro, and the workmanship is very exquisite

Mike Watkinson

The vest was received on time, it is a herringbone pattern and looks good. The pockets are real. There is an adjustment buckle on the back, no need to worry about it not fitting

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